This recipe was originally written down on the back of an old grocery list and came from Molly Katzen's Vegetable Heaven. I adapted it from there. While Molly used gingerbread crumb cookies, I discovered teddy grahms (cinnamon flavored) were vegan and make a really fun topping for this delightful dish.
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Pumpkin Mousse - serves 4-6
1 - 14.5 oz can pumpkin puree
1 - 12.3 oz box of tofu
1/8 tsp maple extract flavoring
1/2 tsp KAL stevia extract
2 Tbsp lemon juice
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp gingerpinch of allspice
pinch of salt
1 individual serving cinnamon teddy grahms
A dallop of your favorite soy whipped cream
Hi! I saw you while commenting on a few other blogs and thought I would stop by. Lovely place! May I Link you!?
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Sure you may link. Thanks for stopping by Harmonia.
Your new picture looks GOOD! I like it!
My picture is hard to see (on purpose). I rather remain a little bit hidden. :-)
Your blogs are wonderful!
Thought I'd add a P.S. here. KAL brand stevia extract powder offers 1 cup of sweetening power per 1 tsp. I use that ratio in substitute cooking without added high calorie sweeteners.
I love your new blog! I just started one myself. If you have a chance check it out when I get it to look as nice as yours... :)
I'd like to link you as well, may I?
Sure gamin, link away. Thanks for stopping by! I'll check out your new site soon.
This is so intriguing. I'm definitely going to have to try this!
okay, am i missing something? or is my momma brain all confused today.. i thought i'd see pumpkin in this.. did you leave it out, or am i blind?!
Opps I left the pumpkin out! I re checked my recipe here and added it in. Good question by the way.... why doesn't the pumpkin mousse have pumpkin?
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