Friday, June 29, 2007

Summer Vacation

Hey! Just a quick post to say I am spending a lot of time around the pool and reading books. I have been harvesting garden produce and buying flowers from the farmer's market. I have not been blogging. Life is good here, but I need to take a break from being inside and the computer. Until I blog again .... I heart you all and have a wonderful summer!


laura k said...

Sounds like a fabulous summer! We'll be here when you get back!

Anonymous said...

enjoy your summer!

MeloMeals said...

Glad you updated us... I figured you were busy in your garden! I can't wait to see the bounties!

urban vegan said...

We <3 U 2, Dori. Enjoy!

KleoPatra said...

Dori! i've been missing you, friend. So glad you'll be outside enjoying and not indoors at the computer. That's what summers with family is all about! *HUGS*

aTxVegn said...

Great to hear from you - enjoy your summer vacation, Dori!

Mikaela said...

Happy summer to you, as well! :D :D :D

Jackie said...

Congratulations you have just awarded a `Bloggers for Positive Global Change Award'.

The details of your award can be seen at

best wishes, Jackie

Crystal said...

I'm glad life is good!! Have fun by the pool and read a ton of books.

See you when you return.


Vicki's Vegan Vice said...

Sounds like you're having a fabulous summer, Dori! <3

bazu said...

Awww, what a fabulous summer you're having. Make the most of it! I'm trying to absorb as much heat as possible for the winter ahead ;-)

Kate said...

Thanks for the update. Glad you are having an amazing summer in that awesome garden of yours!

Anonymous said...

I have a new garden update up Dori. Hope you're having an awesome summer, storing all the food (wish I was there)!

Shananigans said...

Same to you! Sounds a lot like my "predicament". :)

Jackie said...

Hope you are all having a wonderful time out in the fresh air and looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back to blogging :)

theONLYtania said...

Hey Dori, just thinking about you and the fam. Hope you're having a good summer!! See you whenever you get around to blogworld :-P

KleoPatra said...

Missing you, Dori! *HUGS*

Tanya Kristine said...

that simply sounds divine. i would love to do the SAME thing!

Anonymous said...

have a great vacations!!!

Jackie said...

Forgot for a moment you were out enjoying the summer while I am sitting here freezing in winter LOL

Therefore this will have to wait until you re-appear ....
You have been tagged with The Link of Love meme at

Anonymous said...

Hi Dori!
Just wanted to say "hi". My garden is growing and I have tons and tons of plums, but they are too sour for prune making (even fully ripe they're still sour, but I don't know what kind they are).

I hope you're enjoying your summer!!!!!!!


Kuntal Joisher said...

have a great summer vacation Dori!!

urban vegan said...

Miss U, Dori. Can U come out to play?

madeinalaska said...

yup, I am w/ UV>.. Knock Knock is Dori home????? will you ever come back to the blog world? we do miss you and your post!
hope all is well in your world...
take care Dori,